Monday, December 20, 2010

dr. brignone (italy)

A lovely lino cut from Dr Brignone, who thoughtfully printed it on the back of a picture of a pile of fish(?) for my food-themed mailart call.


  1. Actually I think they are lamb skulls (bleagh) - fortunately I am not sure :°)

  2. Ohhhh. That's so strange. What would a market sell lamb skulls for? Soup bones?

  3. No idea. I suppose they were discards. But it was an interesting picture O_o

  4. In south Texas, one can buy pigs heads at the supermarket. They are used for making tamales by the Hispanic population, and possibly for head cheese by the Germans, Czechs, and Polish.

  5. This confirms the Italian saying "Do not throw anything away from the pig"


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